Tuesday, June 7, 2016

It Started as a Lark

Sometime during 2015 Darliss sent Becky a link to info about the Compostello -- that walk across the north of spain, from France, to the cathedral where it's believed that St. James is buried.   "HeHeHe," said Darliss, "maybe we should do this.  We do love to walk."

And Becky replied, "Well, why not!" Found a website showing a tour for the minimum required walk, about 60 miles in 8 days.

We put it on the calendar for 2017 (no money paid, as yet.)

Roll the film forward -- we're both older and though we walk quite a bit, the long ones are killers.  We can do them -- but probably not day after day doing a 10-12 mile walk -- and then arise next day to do it again.

Sun rises and sets many times . . .

Darliss and Becky attend a special first birthday part for Darliss' grand niece in St. Helens Oregon.  As we always do if the road trip includes a Saturday or Sunday, we find a local church and attend mass.  In St. Helens Oregon, we found St. Frederick's Catholic Church.  It's a small town so we had no trouble navigating from hotel to church.  We arrived a bit before service began..

Darliss explored the narthex and bulletin board and found us a Canadian Pilgrimage.  Price was affordable and the timing fit our calendars.

God just meant for us to go on a pilgrimage.

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